Friday 3 October 2014

A Roller Coaster Week of Mail!

My week has been pretty up and down and I must admit, my mood has been largely determined by what's come through my mailbox. There's been an assortment of news, good and bad!

My Birmingham Half Race Number, Runner's World Magazine and London Commiseration Magazine 

Wednesday -
My London Marathon Ballot Magazine came (finally!). It's been a long couple of months since I entered the ballot back in April. Unfortunately it wasn't good news and 2015 won't be my year, but that's okay! I'm a strong believer in everything happening for a reason and I'm sure that there are better things to come my way next year. I'll be in for the 2016 ballot for sure though. London will be something I conquer.. one day!

A massive shoutout to all of those lucky enough to secure a place- you're going to have an amazing time. I'd love to follow your journey, so comment and let me know where to find your blog or Instagram!

Thursday -
With hump day out of the way, Thursday brought better mail my way. My first issue of Runner's World Magazine arrived! I've signed up for a 6 month subscription which I'm very excited about. November's issue is full of injury prevention and recovery advice and is a great read. I love the recipes too!

Friday -
The end of the week brought the best mail. I received my Birmingham Half Marathon race number! It's just over two weeks until race day now and I can't wait. I'll be doing my last long run this weekend and then tapering to prepare myself properly (watch out for grouchy Harriet!). The start time for my wave isn't until 10.48am so it'll be a pretty relaxed morning. I'm going to put it out there that I'm hoping for my first sub-2 hour half marathon eeeek!

I'd love to vlog my Birmingham Half Marathon experience for my YouTube channel if anyone would like to see? It's such a great race with lots of support all over the course. Entries are still open with less than 1000 places left if anyone fancies a spontaneous half marathon!

So now it's just time to decide what to wear for race day and put a playlist together (any suggestions??)!

Harriet x

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