Wednesday 10 December 2014

My December Challenge #JingleRun

I have always been one to set crazy challenges and push myself to extremes. Take the following for example.

When I was about 13 I decided I was going to set myself a New Years Resolution to run every single day for a year. It was totally unnecessary as I was training 12+ hours a week at gymnastics and it lasted about a week.

In my second year of University I decided I would complete Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred.. in 30 days straight. Again, this was totally unnecessary as I was exercising in other ways and just didn't always have time in my day to do it. Needless to say I made it to day 7. I tried again a few months later but didn't make it much further.

When December rolled around this year I spotted a few posts on Instagram of people starting a #DecemberRunStreak or #DecemberRunChallenge, including @sas_rubel, @evelinruns and @dr_harriet (go and follow them, they're all lovely!). Me being me, extreme Harriet kicked in and decided to take up the challenge. This time I will be seeing it all the way through to the end. A few people have set themselves varying challenges, but here is my personal spin on it:

Jingle Run
At least 1 mile every day until Christmas

I have completed this every day so far and am really enjoying the challenge. It's going to become a little tougher in the coming fortnight as I'm rather busy and flying to New Zealand for Christmas. Even if it means I have to run the length of Singapore Airport on my stopover, I will get my daily mile done! (If I get chased down by security I'll make sure I vlog it for the entertainment factor ;) ).

If you want to follow my progress through #JingleRun then add me as a friend on NikePlus :) marathonharry 

Are you setting yourself a goal or challenge for the last month of the year? I want to know about it! 

Harriet x


  1. SO much fun to do this #DecemberRunStreak with you and the other online running buddies! I'm loving it, waaaay more than I thought I would and even though a few days have been challenging (due to a bug I caught mostly) I don't regret doing this streak at all.
    GO US and Happy Jingle Running Harriet!

  2. Sounds like a great challenge and great to have the on-line support from your running friends too. Best of luck with it! :-)
    - Kirsten (The Blog Runner
    Virtual Running UK)
