Saturday 16 May 2015

Post-Marathon Running

Getting back into running after finishing a marathon is a real challenge. You've pushed your body to the extreme to peak for race day and achieved your goal. The prospect of going out running in the weeks afterwards isn't always the most exciting, especially if you've not got anything lined up to train for.

After Paris Marathon on April 12th, I felt exactly like this, so I thought I would let you in on what I've been doing to help find my passion for running again.

1. Sign up for the next one! 
It might be a little scary, but giving yourself another target is probably the best thing for you. Whether it's a half marathon, 10km, or you just commit yourself to going to your local Park Run two weeks after your marathon, it's good to get out there.

I signed up to Hackney Half Marathon, which was 4 weeks after Paris. I knew that my body wasn't at it's best, so I ran with my Mum and we finished together in 2 hours 35 minutes. It wasn't my best time, but I had a great time doing it and really enjoying the atmosphere of the crowd and the course.

Giving yourself a little longer than 4 weeks might be a better idea, but just having another date to aim for definitely put me in a more motivated state of mind.

2. Take time to find your passion again
If you've just taken on a marathon, you've done a lot of running over the past 6 months. If you don't feel like going out running just yet, don't stress- it's not a bad thing! Try doing something else to keep your fitness up for the time being. How about swimming, cycling, yoga or a circuits class? Now that you aren't committed to long runs every weekend it's the perfect time to explore other activities. It won't be long until you feel the urge again to can't wait to hit the road with your trainers.

3. Treat yourself
A little motivation for me is rocking new workout gear. As we're coming into warmer weather now I felt it was time to do a little bit of online shopping. I raided the Nike sale, and even tried out some of H&M's workout range. The best bit? To wear these new pieces you have to go and workout! This is how I motivated myself to get out running again 10 days post marathon :)

If you've suffered from the Post-Marathon Blues, how did you get back into running? I'd love to hear from you! 


  1. I've been struggling to get back after the Brighton Marathon, but new running shoes and a reminder that I had a Virtual Race to run this month helped a bit. I hope your training is going well. :-)
    - Kirsten (The Blog Runner
    Virtual Running UK)

    1. That sounds good :) I've really been struggling since Paris too and have only been out once a week really. Sometimes it's nice to take a break. Thank you, I hope yours is too! x

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