Sunday 15 February 2015

Weekly Roundup | Paris Marathon Training Week 11

I am coming up the end of Week 11 of my training plan for the Paris Marathon, so I thought I would post a little summary of my week and what I've been up to.


After a lovely lazy Sunday recovering from my long run, I had a bit of a crazy Monday!

It was a Run-chtime kind of day and I went out for 3 miles will a colleague in the sunshine. I am so thankful that my job lets me spend my lunchtimes running. These Asics J33's are still feeling great - it's crazy to think I've almost put 100 miles on them!

On Monday evening I had an hour to kill.. so guess what I did? Put another 4 miles on the legs of course! I ran in the dark on a trail and it was a little spooky hear bats in the trees nearby, but it just meant I ran a little faster than expected..

My run was followed by a 1 hour kickboxing session, which I promised a friend earlier last week that I would attend. Never one to break a promise, some serious butt was kicked (literally!) and my calves definitely felt it afterwards. Kickboxing is something I was really into before University and I would love to get back into it more regularly.


Tuesday is traditionally Kettlebells day and this week was no different.

We finished the session with the same routine of swings and burpees which I posted about a few weeks ago- 10 swings, 1 burpee, 10 swings, 2 burpees.. all the way up to 10 burpees. As usual it was a killer and some sneaky video was taken again!
I can be spotted to the left with a white top on (+ dying!).

I didn't run on Tuesday as I was on a training course at work, but a rest day was needed!


On Wednesday I took a slightly longer lunch break and went out to run 5 miles with a friend. The sun was shining and it was a beautiful run!

As the day went on I started to feel a pain in my knee, identical to the knee pain I had this time last year. This meant that an evening of chilling out with some YouTube videos and absolutely soaked in Deep Heat was in order. I can tell you, I smelt like an athlete!!


Due to my slightly dodgy knee still hurting throughout the day, I missed out Thursday's planned 4 miles and took another break. My number 1 tip for anyone when it comes to exercise is to listen to your body, so I should probably practise what I preach!


My knee was still painful on Friday, but feeling much better than before. Still, just to be careful I rested on Friday as well. All of this time I had on my hands called for some retail therapy, so I took a cheeky trip to Boots and picked up some new make up after work!


Although I had already had two consecutive rest days (for the first time in forever!), Saturday was Valentines Day and a rather busy one at that.

I spent the day driving to Milton Keynes to see Fleur (from FleurDeForce on Youtube) at her first book signing. She was super sweet and I got to meet her puppy Piglet and husband Mike too!


After 3 days off it was definitely time for a run, so I went out for a long one and managed to cover 15.7 miles, before assuming the position below...

It was a tough distance, but it feels so good to have done it!

That's all from me this week - what have you been up to? Leave a comment! 

1 comment:

  1. I had to use a personal trainer I could not do it on my own well done Victoria
