Tuesday 3 February 2015

February Resolutions

Maybe I'm a month late...

I know that the new year is the time where everyone makes resolutions- lifestyle changes and goals to become a better version of themselves. Sometimes I'll jump onboard and make some resolutions, but I just wasn't quite ready for it in January this year.  

Now that I've returned from my (glorious!) few weeks in New Zealand and got myself settled back into a routine, it's been easier to see the small changes that I want to make and I feel like setting some February goals. 

So.. Here we go. 

No chocolate
No bread
No crisps. 

No fun?! I hear you ask ;) 

Now I know that going cold turkey isn't always supposed to be the best way to give something up. I have a personal trainer on my Facebook timeline constantly saying that banning a food completely will just make you want it more and you'll binge. 

For me though, this kind of month-long challenge suits my personality. Like.. A lot. 

I have a very addictive personality, especially when it comes to food. If I open a bag of sweets, or a bar of chocolate, no matter what the size, I will finish it. It's like no matter what I do, there's a little radar in my head telling me that there are uneaten treats around. I have a mega sweet tooth! Put that along with the fact that I will always do everything in my power to complete a challenge (even if it kills me) and you have the perfect combination. 

The reason I decided to cut these out this month was purely because of my recent excessive consumption of these three foods. I would barely go a day without chocolate, toast would be my afternoon snack (but I would have way too much) and I found myself buying crisps to snack on at work far too often. 

I'm aiming to replace these naughties with more wholesome food and put more of an effort in with my eating. Look out for the Instagram posts!!

Have you given anything up this year or made any resolutions? I'd love to know what they are and how they are going! 

1 comment:

  1. Good luck for a month without candies, I tried it for 2014 and it was good for my charachter.
